Sunday, April 25, 2010 "Boyfriend Comic"

I found this comic to be pretty relevant to my blog in general and to being a mathematician. The "Boyfriend" comic is kind of like the video I put in last week, "The Math Song". The comic shows a girl using words that basically work into everyday English conversations. And then at the end, she uses a chart which isn't as normal for people. Also, she says "I'm your statistically significant other" which people don't say but it still works out. Actually, she seems rather desperate now that I think of it. The girl is trying so hard to prove that she's the one for him. It's kind of sad...

Anyway, most people don't actually realize that they use mathematical statistics and "equations" on a normal basis. For instance, like in the comic, "...twice as much...". Or, I like to use fractions when talking about specific things. I can't think of any examples right now for that but in my AP Environmental Class, there are several interesting percentages that I like to inform friends and family of. Like how much garbage average humans put in the garbage when it could be recycled or composted.

Scientists use mathematical vocabulary when talking more than in any other profession (other than statisticians and mathematicians, etc, of course).

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