Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Fools Nonsense

On April first, a man was arrested in Switzerland for claiming that he was from the future. I was looking on the crew's website today and found this article that one of their members had commented on. Robin Varghese, the commenter, said she "love[s] this image of the future". I personally, find it to be rather disturbing and creepy.

The young man dressed in strange clothing consisting of rather large amounts of tweed and a bow tie called himself "Eloi Cole" that day. He was digging around garbage bins at the Large Hadron Collider looking for fuel to put in his blender that he called his 'time machine power unit'. Police arrested him and took him to mental hospital where he disappeared. Before that, though, he claimed that he came back from the future to save the world from poverty and Kit-Kats. Scientists actually have a theory that the limitless power super particle they invented "somehow caused a ripple in time that prevented its own discovery."

When reading the first paragraph of this article, I was wary of whether it was really true or not. I figured that some crazy person just snuck into the facility and claimed he was from the future. But then there were scientists names listed and quotes from people. Then again, it could be like "The Onion", just all made up, funny stories. Also, there are several other websites about CERN and LHC linked from the article. Another thing that did not fit together with the other piece of the puzzle is that the man wouldn't tell authorities what country he was from. Well, it could fit together with the fact that maybe he IS crazy and was just making random stuff up. He said there aren't countries in the future. I'd say it's legit.

I'm a very gullible person though...

Another reason this event could've happened is if it was a jokester guy just acting this out on April Fools Day with his buddies from the jail facility that were assigned to tell everyone that Eloi disappeared.

On a serious note, this article has more to do with science (and morons) than math, but the book I'm reading, "The Lady Tasting Tea", describes that math basically needs science to exist and therefore is a very important piece in mathematics.

I think I've officially concluded that the article is a bunch of bogus bologna people writing stuff to mess with my mind. Maybe that's just to keep myself from being creeped out by the situation...

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