Sunday, March 28, 2010
"The Lady Tasting Tea" Post 1

Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Birth of The Math Bean
The bad aspect about math and me is that at first when I am trying to understand a new math concept, I get frustrated because I usually can’t figure it out right away. After much practice, though, I know the concept quite well. If one practices the wrong way, it will continue to be wrong. Practice makes permanent. Also, I feel that I am not advanced enough in the math area to go on and study it in college for a future career. Many of my fellow schoolmates are way farther along in math than I am like AP calculus and such. That kind of drains my spirits because I am “behind” but I have a theory.
My theory is about AP courses and math in general. I feel that college courses are meant to be taken in college for the most part, not high school. I personally think that one must get the basics down of a particular subject (especially math) to be able to understand the entirety of further learning. In addition, to back up my theory, I once talked to the head math professor (Dr. Lynn Olson) at the college I am planning on going to and he said that pre-calculus (which is the course I’m taking now) is perfectly fine for entering college as a math major.
I was pretty sure that I wanted to pursue a career in mathematics in the future but just to make sure, I went to the Cedar Valley Science Symposium at Wartburg College in January 2010. There, I took part in a workshop on Graph Theory with Dr. Lynn Olson. The class very interesting and like all other math, I didn’t catch on right away but it eventually made sense. Dr. Olson definitely made mathematics entertaining. Unlike the year before with I went to the symposium, this time I felt surer about my decision.
So, now I am planning on going to Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa to study mathematics and to hopefully become a mathematician someday. When I tell people that I want to study math, the first thing they ask is if I want to be a math teacher. No. At this point, I don’t want to teach it. I would rather apply math concepts to the real world.
In the end, I decided that I can always volunteer doing something that helps animals like at the human society. Doing something related to math is harder to volunteer with and I find the particular subject to be rather intriguing. I want to be The Math Bean.
Monday, March 15, 2010
In the beginning...
Long, long ago, I started dreaming of being a veterinarian. When I was a child, I often talked about wanting to help animals in a significant way. I've always had a love for manatees, so, I grew into the idea that I would live in Florida and help large, aquatic animals that got injured from boats. Then, I came to realize that Florida was very far away from the ones I love here in Iowa and came back to the idea of being a veterinarian. A couple summers ago, I went to a vet camp at the Iowa State Fair where I learned all about the life of a veterinarian. It was very interesting but maybe that was just because I got to see a girl faint from looking at a diseased horse heart... Actually it was a really good experience. I got to take a lamb's temperature from its rear-end hole which i oddly didn't find too disgusting. Anyways, at the camp, I was also told how many years it took to become a veterinarian... Since I was the oldest kid in the group, I was given a whole lot of information on Iowa State University's vet program. It was very helpful and I really enjoyed the camp and continued to greatly consider the idea of becoming a vet one day. It later sunk in that it would take many more years of schooling than I was willing to pursue for this dream of mine. That is when I decided that maybe a veterinary technician was the way to go...
So what's this have to do with wanting to be a mathematician exactly? Don't worry, I'm getting there. My future dreams have a long story behind them.
So after I considered the idea of being a vet tech, I went to a job shadow for it at a All Pets Veterinary Clinic on Edgewood Road. On the way to the job shadow, I was considering what the outcome of the visit would do to my future goals. Would it scare me out of the job? Or would it show me how passionate I really was about my long thought-out childhood vision? Well, after watching a dog get its testicle cut out and two cats get declawed, I decided that vet tech wasn't the way to go either. I came to this conclusion from the simple fact that I almost passed out twice from the smell... And maybe the sight. The donuts in the waiting room sure were tasty though.
So, there I was back at square one again. What would I do next?